
WAn explorative space to play and explore the intersection of Tantra and Kink - for FLINTA ONLY

Kinky Tantra

Queering Tantra: going beyond the binary

Welcome to the temple.
explore intimacy, sensuality and connection with self and other

boundaries, consent and concious touch

In this workshop, we learn about our boundaries and desires, how to communicate them and find consent. we will gain a deeper understanding of unseen dynamics which guide the ways we relate to each other. 

We will learn to negotiate from a safe(r) perspective, make clear agreements, and get in touch with what we want and how to ask for it so we can create authentic connections with ourselves and others.

Autonomous contraception

Natural contraception: meeting our bodies and plants as allies for bodily autonomy and preventing pregancy

Queering Tantra: going beyond the binary

Welcome to the temple.
explore intimacy, sensuality and connection with self and other

From the primordial Goddess to a Patriarchal god

Journey through time: the primordial goddess, the advent of patriarchy, witch hunts, virgin / whore split, nice girl syndrome and where this leaves us today. let us envision and create a new paradigm together.

Meeting rage as an ally

diving into the mechanics of the nervous system, looking at the different nervous system states and how they effect our intimate interactions. exploring different tools and excersises to regulate our nervous systems

nervous system awareness & regulation

reframing our relationship with anger. meeting it as a potent charge that can spark transformation, self advocacy, empowerment and positive change.

Diverse group of athletic trainers dressed in black




building    community
through connection and radical self acceptance